chatham academy

"Before my brother came to Chatham Academy, he had a hard time in three different schools because people did not understand him or have patience with him. It would hurt my feelings when people would ask what is wrong with him or make fun of him. My brother is very special to me. Chatham Academy has helped him love school and to make many friends."

From a 9 year old sibling of a Chatham Academy student Read More

We know selecting the right school for your child is an important decision and we are here to help.


Chatham Academy Tuition & Fees

New Student Application Fee - Non Refundable   $    150
2025 - 2026 Annual Tuition - All Grades              $ 23,621

Upon Acceptance, a $1,000 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a spot for your student.

*Tuition may be tax-deductible as a medical expense. Please reach out to your tax professional for more information.


  • Chatham Academy Financial Aid

    Limited financial aid is available, and application for financial aid is completed as part of the enrollment process. This determines financial need to qualify potential students for aid. All documents must be completely filled out and submitted before a family will be considered.

  • Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Program

    The Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Program (also known as SB10), allows students currently attending a Georgia Public School with an IEP to transfer to Chatham Academy and receive state financial aid to do so. There is no application process for GSNS; however, your student must have an IEP in a Georgia Public School System for one school year.


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